TRAIN TODAY LIKE A PROLearn & Train With 8x CrossFit Games Athlete, Brent Fikowski
Better than your regular fitness programming you can get anywhere, The Professor Project Premium's weekly programming and video library will make you stronger, faster, and teach you how to move more efficiently, execute properly, and keep hitting PR's
Three Weekly Programs Available Under One Subscription
All programming is delievered via the BEST in training tech - TrainHeroic! Record your PR's, converse with Brent & the team, and ask for help!
You can choose yearly subscription of $190 USD or monthly subscription of $19 USD.
You will be doing EXACTLY what Brent Fikowski, 7x CrossFit® Games athlete (3rd in 2021) does.
Scaled drills are provided to you, as well as a scaling spreadsheet. Intent for each workout is also explained so you can get the desired outcome for your scaling preferences.
Weekly training volume ranges but averages 5x week, 2x day.
Warm Ups, Training Videos and Cool Downs included in all daily sessions. -
We've condensed Brent's programming for you. Each session is about 60-90 minutes.
This program is 6x week.
Scaling spreadsheet is provided. Intent for each workout is also explained so you can get the desired outcome for your scaling preferences.
Warm Ups, Training Videos and Cool Downs included in all daily sessions. -
This program will be based on limited equipment with CrossFit® roots to keep you fit.
This program is 6x week.
Warm Ups and Cool Downs included in all daily sessions.
All Training Delivered Via TrainHeroic

The Best in Training Tech
Track exactly what happens during your session, including how you felt! New PR's are automatically logged for you!

Chat With The Team
Connect with your Premium team -- ssk for feedback, chat about the WOD's or how you're feeling! Brent also is active in the chat and can help answer any questions you have.
Ever wanted to learn directly from a pro? Now you can. You will have access to an extensive library with step-by-step instructions on:

Learn about hanging and non-hanging gymnastics. All the basics will be taught to you in step by step instruction so you can have a solid foundation to grow into a stronger and efficient athlete.
Bar Muscle Ups, Ring Muscle Ups, Pistols, Handstand Walks, Rope Climbs, and more

Learn about hip hinging, and more fundamental basics for all weightlifting movements. You will advance fast with these step by step instructions. This category covers barbell, kettlebells, dumbbells, sleds, and more.
Sled Pulls/Push, Front and Back Squats, Wallballs, Devil's Press, Cycling Barbell Series and more

This category covers machine and non-machine movements, filled with thoughtful instruction that can improve your movements instantly. Drills are provided to advance you as an athlete.
Jump Rope: Single Unders, Double Unders, Triple Undes, Rowing, Ski Erg, Assault Bike, and more

Warm Up, Cool Down & Stretching
Learn how to properly warm up and cool down your body for WOD's and how to stretch each region of your body for successful recovery.
Cool Downs: Lower Body, Upper Body, Warm Up: Lower Body, Upper Body, and more

& More...
More videos covering Strategy, Event Prepping, Recovery, Nutrition, Hand Care, and more! Come see what you can learn from Brent Fikowski and the Premium team.
Start Training Today Like A Pro
All programming is delivered by TrainHeroic. The video library access will be emailed to you after sign up. Join on a 7 day FREE trial today!