Weekly Training Programs
Choose from 3 different training tracks - all under the same subscription
Sunday's are rest days for everyone. Each Sunday you'll have the week of training ready for you and a video from Brent, giving you insights + tips about this weeks training.
All training is powered by TrainHeroic. You can check out all three programs either on your desktop, or via the TrainHeroic app.
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Fikowski Training:
Scaled drills are provided to you, as well as a scaling spreadsheet. Intent for each workout is also explained so you can get the desired outcome for your scaling preferences.
Weekly training volume ranges but averages 5x week, 2x day.
Warm Ups, Training Videos and Cool Downs included in all daily sessions.

Daily Essential Training:

Premium Home Training:
This program is 6x week.
Warm Ups and Cool Downs included in all daily sessions.
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Examples Of Programming:
Fikowski Training:
AM Session
A: Warm-up
2 Sets:
15 Banded Good Mornings @2111 Tempo
10 Banded Lateral Walks per Side
20 second Hollow Body Hold
2 Sets:
5 Left Leg Glute Airplane
5 Right Leg Glute Airplane
10 Goblet Squats @3111 Tempo
B: Weightlifting
6 Sets; 1 Set Every 2 Minutes:
1 Low Hang Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
*build between 55-70% as you go
Coach Notes: Make all reps perfect. Technique before load. The focus today will be speed under the bar. Each rep “snap” yourself under while constantly pressing into the bar with active shoulders!
C: Hinge Work
5 Sets:
4 Pause Deadlifts - 2s pause pause below knee and 3-4s eccentric to floor
Rest 3-4 Minutes
Coach Notes: Pick a weight that allows you to control pause positions and the eccentric. This is a lot of time under tension. No touch and go reps. Use a weight that is RPE 7-8 (could easily complete 2-3 reps).
D: Accessory Work
4 Sets:
12 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions @10X2 Tempo
Rest 15 seconds
35-45second Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Hold @HEAVY weight
Rest 90 seconds
Coach Notes: Focus on perfect positions and tempos through these sets.
E: Task
For Time @ Sustainable Pace
1000/800m C2 Bike
150 Foot Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry @70lb per Arm (male) / 53lb per Arm (female)
30 Chest to Bar
1500/1200m C2 Bike
30 Chest to Bar
150 Foot Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry @70lb per Arm (male) / 53lb per Arm (female)
1000/800m C2 Bike
Coach Notes: Keep a sustainable pace on the bike. The overhead carry needs to be at a challenging weight - practice keeping a perfect stacked shoulder position to support the KB rather than “muscling” them overhead. Break up CTB as needed to keep the breaks short.
F: Cool Down
2 minute Wrist/Finger Extension Stretch
1 minute Lacrosse Ball Forearm
1 minute Couch Stretch per Side
1 minute Band Pec Stretch per Side
PM Session
A: Warm-up
400 meter Easy Run
20 alternating heel sweeps
20 alternating frankensteins
20 m A skips
20 m B skips
20 m C skips
B: Run Work
1000m @RPE 8-9
3-4 Minute Rest
2000m @RPE 8-9
3-4 Minute Rest
1000m @RPE 8-9
3-4 Minute Rest
100m controlled sprint
100m walk (in 1 minute at the most)
Coach Notes: Playing around with different paces for distance by feel. Keep a challenging effort (80-90% ish) for each run - make it uncomfortable. The sprints need to be fast but repeatable.
C: Cool Down
2 minute Foam Roll Quads per Side
1 minute Band Tricep Stretch per Side
2 minute Calf Stretch per Side
1 minute Lacrosse Ball Bottom of Foot per Side
The Daily Essential Training:
A: Warm-up
12 Minutes @ Warm-up Pace:
10 Calorie Bike
12 Reverse Lunges
20 Second Ring FLR Hold
12 Cossack Squats
20 Second Hollow Body Hold
B: Squat Work
Back Squat
5x5 @68% of max back squat
Rest 3-4 minutes
Coach Notes: Getting in some squatting at moderate weights. Focus on perfect positions.
C: Increasing Effort Conditioning
3 Sets:
500/400m Ski Erg
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs @24” Box (male) / 20” Box (female)
500/400m Row
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs @24” Box (male) / 20” Box (female)
1000/800m C2 Bike
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs @24” Box (male) / 20” Box (female)
Coach Notes: Increase effort each set.
Set 1 - 5/10
Set 2 - 8/10
Set 3 - send!
D: Accessory Work
3 Sets:
20 GHD Hip Extensions (keep chin tucked)
Rest 30s
12-15 Terminal Knee Extensions per Leg
Rest as needed
Coach Notes: Try to focus on activating the working muscles as much as possible on each rep.
C: Cool Down
2 minute Couch Stretch per Side
2 minute Hurdler Stretch per Side
Premium Home Training:
2 Sets:
10 Scap Push-ups @1212 Tempo
10 Band Pull Aparts @1112 Tempo
10 Hollow Body Rocks
10 Goblet Squats @21X1 Tempo
10 Glute Bridge @11X2 Tempo
Rest Walk 45 Seconds Between Sets
B: Dumbbell Weightlifting
Every 2 Minutes For 10 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans – pick load
Intent: We are looking for perfect reps across all 5 sets. Focus on an efficient dumbbell cycling pattern, breathing pattern, and speed. Aim to receive the dumbbell’s when you are in the bottom of your squat.
C: Explosive Work
Every Minute on the Minute For 10 Minutes:
5 Air Squats + 3 Jump Squats + 1 Burpee Broad Jump
Intent: Focus on a strong leg drive and even weight distribution through the feet when completing the air squats and jump squats. Think about jumping “strong” not “high”. Then, on the burpee broad jump; aim to jump as powerfully and far as possible each minute. It is recommended to start in the same spot every minute and measure your jump distance each minute to keep you honest.
D: Midline Sets
4 Sets:
10 Hollow Body Rocks
15-20 Second Left Side Plank
10 Hollow Rocks
15-20 Second Right Side Plank
Rest Walk 45 Seconds Between Sets
Intent: Aim to keep the rest between movements as short as possible and to complete the work in unbroken sets.
D: Cool Down
1 Minute Groiner Stretch per Leg
1 Minute Couch Stretch per Leg
1 Minute Pigeon Stretch per Leg
2 Minute Seated Forward Fold